Good morning, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY & May God Bless you with many more

To: our visitor, friends & family, & all guests; welcome & thank you
On behalf of the Abbeville Church of Christ family; that meets here at 405 Grey Rock Est. We thank you for coming to our ” STAY IN YOUR CAR” Drive In Morning Worship Service this Sunday, May 10, 2020@ 10:00 AM. We sincerely thank you in advance for all your thoughts & prayers during these unprecedented times.


1.Congratulations to our local high school Seniors graduates for the class of 2020,
2.continue to pray for members of this local body & our B/S congregation @ Hodges’s Road, Hagglier Street , & the Westside COC here in Abbeville
Continue to pray for those on our prayer list, sick & shut-In ,Nursing homes, medical testing, our first line responders ,federal , State & local government.
0. If you use cash app, please fill out church envelope for church records
0. Special prayers for Brother Dennis Tucker & family, our prayer list;
Brother Reginald Smith : 1. Song Service, 2. collection & 3.before the speaker
Brother Scripture Reading & Prayer: Brother Courtney Smith

Math 25 vs 1; the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take along any extra oil. 4But the wise ones took extra oil in flasks along with their lamps. 5When the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
Brother James Hadden : Communion & Collection

( please remember to get your communion packet & envelope for health & safety reasons; do not seal your envelope; just fold it over)
Brothers Cornell Anderson Sr. & Micheal Tucker Assisting
Lesson: Brother Calvin Wharton : Subject : Fueled UP ! & Ready to GO!!!!
Brother James Hadden : Dismal & closing prayer
If anyone desires to put Christ on in Baptism; please remain in your car & after the parking Lot is clear, we will assist you with your endeavor