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Date(s) - 09/02/2017
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Electric City Java


While sipping coffee, learn how to pamper yourself and kick toxic chemicals out of your home…for good. Essential oils have been used for centuries for physical, mental and emotional wellness. Grab your favorite beverage, get ready to relax and buckle your seatbelt for a fast paced class that will knock your socks off.

FACT: The average American woman applies over 300 toxic chemicals each and every day! Over 80 of these are applied before you even finish your morning coffee.

I’ll walk you through step by step and give easy, simple and affordable tactics that anyone can do using the best essential oils on the planet. Gear up for a ground up lecture on everything oily. Be prepared to be empowered to kick toxic chemicals out of your home…for good!